Friday, February 3, 2012

Who controls my life?

Act 1 Scene 3:
Today my mother asked me if I was ready to be married. I mean, why would she think I'm ready to be married? If I were ready, I would have told them already. Just because I'm of the nobility and of a higher status doesn't mean I need to get married when I'm not even an adult yet. I had to tell her that I would look to like Paris, but if she wants me to do more then I will. I don't think I'm going to like this guy. He is way to old for me. I feel like when I'm around my parents I have to be proper and do everything they tell me to do. I don't want to marry a man that I do not love. I wish my parents didn't act as the author of the book of my life. I guess I will just try to like this man but I won't truly love the man I marry. If I ever told my mother that I want something other than what she wants for me then she would pitch a huge fit. Why is it so terrible in my society to speak what you want and what you think to your parents? I feel like my own life controlled by someone else. Just because I am not an adult yet does not mean it is not my life.

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