Saturday, February 11, 2012


Act 3 Scene 2
Today I learned that my husband that I have just married, Romeo, has murdered my cousin Tybalt. I know that his intentions were reasonable and that he probably had a reason to kill Tybalt. I loved my cousin Tybalt but Romeo is my husband so I must stay true to him and not speak badly about him. Also, I really feel against him for even the thought of killing his own wife's cousin. No, I can't think anything badly about Romeo, his is my husband and I shall stay true to our love. Anyways, after hearing this I also learned that Romeo's punishment for this murder is banishment. I would rather have thousands of Tybalts killed then to have my Romeo banished. I feel that the idea of banishment is almost worse then death because I will always know that Romeo is alive and lovable but he will always be out of reach from me. Just to think that I will never see my love but I will always no that he is alive hurts. Maybe there is some  way for me to be with him. I wish I could have been there to keep Romeo from going down such a horrid path of murder and regret. My poor Romeo, when shall I see you again?

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