Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Never Give In.

Act 3 Scene 5

Oh my goodness!!! I just found out that my father told County Paris that I will marry him without my consent! Just to make this worse he also told him that I would marry him this week. I don't know what to do. I know that no matter what I will not marry Paris. Even if I ended the marriage with Romeo, which i would never do, I would still not want to marry him because I will always love Romeo and because I want to marry someone that I choose to marry and someone that I love. I am considering taking my own life because I can't think of a way to get out of marrying Paris. I asked the Nurse and she told me to just marry Paris! I thought she would care for me and for what I want but I guess she just wants me to marry the more eligible, handsome, and rich. I don't love Paris and I never will. I love Romeo and I will not end that relationship. I guess I will just have to find someone else to give me advice. I'll go talk to Friar Lawrence, maybe he will give me good advice and actually care about Romeo and my relationship.

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