Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love at First Sight.

Act 1 Scene 5
I just got back to my room after the most amazing masked ball ever! So what happened was I kept making eye contact with this handsome man throughout the ball. Finally, we made our first encounter. I was shocked at first because he scared me when he came up to me, but right when out eyes met u fell straight in love with him. I didn't want this to show to much so I tried to play it cool as he flirted with me. I mentioned a lot of stuff about saints and what not so that i could sound innocent but still flirty. He kept talking about how he wanted to kiss me. So then we kissed and then I had his sin on my lips so we kissed again. Right after we kissed the ball came to an end. AS he walked away I asked the nurse who he was and she told me he was Romeo the only son of the Montagues' my sworn enemies! I was very frustrated but not to where I couldn't still love him. I just felt like this was going to be a lot harder now knowing that my family is against anything and everything about the Montagues' and would have no tolerance for me loving him but they don't have to know.

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