Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Balcony's Length Apart

Act 2 Scene 2

Tonight as I was sitting out on my balcony thinking about how a name means anything and why should affect anything. I was talking to myself about how the Montague name could interfere with my love with Romeo. I was asking my self why he has to have that name. Then I heard Romeo from below me under my balcony. I was so embarrassed because he heard everything that I just said. I told Romeo that we need to make our love permanent and get married. I love him but I also want the benefits of marriage to come sooner rather then later. Oh, Romeo always knows how to use smooth words with me, he could get any girl. I told Romeo that he will go and get someone to marry them by tomorrow and she will send someone to him to see if he is legit about their love. If he does tell the messenger yes then we will be married that day. My nurse is going to put out a latter for my husband to make it all official. After we planned out everything together I just enjoyed his company so I had him stay and talk to me. By morning we were still talking and bid each other good bye but only for a few hours if Romeo follows through with the marriage.  I hope Romeo will marry me tomorrow. I just wish I didn't have to hide al of this excitement form my family. I feel bad about them not knowing about all of this but being able to love Romeo is way more important to me. If I told my parents I would probably be banned from ever seeing him and that would be way worse than me keeping Romeo and my relationship a secret. Even though Romeo just met, I feel like I already know him like a husband. I think we were meant for each other and I won't let that go no matter what, unless Romeo decides he doesn't love me back. If anyone or anything tries and succeeds in pulling my Romeo and I away from each other I might have to take my own life.

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