Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Never Give In.

Act 3 Scene 5

Oh my goodness!!! I just found out that my father told County Paris that I will marry him without my consent! Just to make this worse he also told him that I would marry him this week. I don't know what to do. I know that no matter what I will not marry Paris. Even if I ended the marriage with Romeo, which i would never do, I would still not want to marry him because I will always love Romeo and because I want to marry someone that I choose to marry and someone that I love. I am considering taking my own life because I can't think of a way to get out of marrying Paris. I asked the Nurse and she told me to just marry Paris! I thought she would care for me and for what I want but I guess she just wants me to marry the more eligible, handsome, and rich. I don't love Paris and I never will. I love Romeo and I will not end that relationship. I guess I will just have to find someone else to give me advice. I'll go talk to Friar Lawrence, maybe he will give me good advice and actually care about Romeo and my relationship.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Act 3 Scene 2
Today I learned that my husband that I have just married, Romeo, has murdered my cousin Tybalt. I know that his intentions were reasonable and that he probably had a reason to kill Tybalt. I loved my cousin Tybalt but Romeo is my husband so I must stay true to him and not speak badly about him. Also, I really feel against him for even the thought of killing his own wife's cousin. No, I can't think anything badly about Romeo, his is my husband and I shall stay true to our love. Anyways, after hearing this I also learned that Romeo's punishment for this murder is banishment. I would rather have thousands of Tybalts killed then to have my Romeo banished. I feel that the idea of banishment is almost worse then death because I will always know that Romeo is alive and lovable but he will always be out of reach from me. Just to think that I will never see my love but I will always no that he is alive hurts. Maybe there is some  way for me to be with him. I wish I could have been there to keep Romeo from going down such a horrid path of murder and regret. My poor Romeo, when shall I see you again?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Balcony's Length Apart

Act 2 Scene 2

Tonight as I was sitting out on my balcony thinking about how a name means anything and why should affect anything. I was talking to myself about how the Montague name could interfere with my love with Romeo. I was asking my self why he has to have that name. Then I heard Romeo from below me under my balcony. I was so embarrassed because he heard everything that I just said. I told Romeo that we need to make our love permanent and get married. I love him but I also want the benefits of marriage to come sooner rather then later. Oh, Romeo always knows how to use smooth words with me, he could get any girl. I told Romeo that he will go and get someone to marry them by tomorrow and she will send someone to him to see if he is legit about their love. If he does tell the messenger yes then we will be married that day. My nurse is going to put out a latter for my husband to make it all official. After we planned out everything together I just enjoyed his company so I had him stay and talk to me. By morning we were still talking and bid each other good bye but only for a few hours if Romeo follows through with the marriage.  I hope Romeo will marry me tomorrow. I just wish I didn't have to hide al of this excitement form my family. I feel bad about them not knowing about all of this but being able to love Romeo is way more important to me. If I told my parents I would probably be banned from ever seeing him and that would be way worse than me keeping Romeo and my relationship a secret. Even though Romeo just met, I feel like I already know him like a husband. I think we were meant for each other and I won't let that go no matter what, unless Romeo decides he doesn't love me back. If anyone or anything tries and succeeds in pulling my Romeo and I away from each other I might have to take my own life.

Love at First Sight.

Act 1 Scene 5
I just got back to my room after the most amazing masked ball ever! So what happened was I kept making eye contact with this handsome man throughout the ball. Finally, we made our first encounter. I was shocked at first because he scared me when he came up to me, but right when out eyes met u fell straight in love with him. I didn't want this to show to much so I tried to play it cool as he flirted with me. I mentioned a lot of stuff about saints and what not so that i could sound innocent but still flirty. He kept talking about how he wanted to kiss me. So then we kissed and then I had his sin on my lips so we kissed again. Right after we kissed the ball came to an end. AS he walked away I asked the nurse who he was and she told me he was Romeo the only son of the Montagues' my sworn enemies! I was very frustrated but not to where I couldn't still love him. I just felt like this was going to be a lot harder now knowing that my family is against anything and everything about the Montagues' and would have no tolerance for me loving him but they don't have to know.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Who controls my life?

Act 1 Scene 3:
Today my mother asked me if I was ready to be married. I mean, why would she think I'm ready to be married? If I were ready, I would have told them already. Just because I'm of the nobility and of a higher status doesn't mean I need to get married when I'm not even an adult yet. I had to tell her that I would look to like Paris, but if she wants me to do more then I will. I don't think I'm going to like this guy. He is way to old for me. I feel like when I'm around my parents I have to be proper and do everything they tell me to do. I don't want to marry a man that I do not love. I wish my parents didn't act as the author of the book of my life. I guess I will just try to like this man but I won't truly love the man I marry. If I ever told my mother that I want something other than what she wants for me then she would pitch a huge fit. Why is it so terrible in my society to speak what you want and what you think to your parents? I feel like my own life controlled by someone else. Just because I am not an adult yet does not mean it is not my life.